Monday, October 29, 2007

Seattle Underground

Last night, Chad and Julie recommended I check out the Seattle Underground. So I asked everybody in the band if they wanted to go, but only Candice was game. She loves that sort of thing.

We, along with a group of strangers, filed into a random hole in the wall:
And our tour guide showed us around what used to be the city of Seattle, long since built over with superior technology.
At the end, Candice and I started wandering around, taking random pictures, and didn't notice that the tour group had left. We walked briskly to the exit, only to notice we had been locked in. The group had gone back up to street level to head to the next section.

Candice started yelling "we're down here!" She was worried we'd be stuck down there, which I thought was really funny cause I saw the turnlock on our side of the door. I unlocked it just as the guide came down the steps and pushed the door open for us.

We unfortunately didn't get to finish the tour as it was already 2pm and our call time was 3. Boo. It was interesting though, what we did see. We heard all about how the crapper was invented by John A. Crapper, who became Sir John A. Crapper for his work in sanitary engineering...oh and we also heard about the massive Seattle poop explosion. Ahh, what a historical city.

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