I've blogged before.
I have a whole big fat blog at Xanga, where you can read about my disasterous tour, which was going quite swimmingly, and then quickly went up in flames -- in a very literal way.
But after the disaster died down, so did the blog...and it slowly became just a spot to post about upcoming work-related items...not so fun to read.
Fortunately, this is one of the few times in life that I can just say "Let's just start over." So I'm saying it.
Who am I? Why, I'm Mike Schmid. This is me:
I'm a singer/songwriter. I get paid to be melancholy. Well, except for when I don't get paid. Then I just AM melancholy. But I digress.
BIO TIME!! (We'll just get this out of the way now, and then we'll not speak of it again) -- I grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania, hated high school, narrowly escaped with my life and attended Berklee College of Music in Boston, where I graduated in 2001 with a degree in Songwriting. Yeah, that's not a typo -- you can actually get a degree in that. It's a really expensive piece of paper that doesn't mean anything to anyone. The hope is that it enables you to write better songs. But I digress again.
After college, I moved out to L.A., just like every other musician ever, because where else could a navelgazing folkpoppie go? New York is too dirty and crowded, and Nashville is too clean and empty. My delightful college friend Nicole VanBuren moved out with me, cause she was way too fun to leave behind. And also cause she wanted to live in L.A.
Like many Angelenos, I came out here with big dreams, and quickly settled for something less. Everybody knows the air quality in L.A. is hilarious (you can see the air -- that can't be good!), and basically it made me a complete wreck, coupled with the fact that there was nasty black mold where I was living, and I was allergic.
I got really sick. I lost my voice. I had a sore throat every night. So I started seeing doctors left and right like a speed dater with nothing to lose. Nobody could fix me.
In 2003, I moved out of my place in Mar Vista (not the epitome of glamour) to a house in Hollywood. I felt much much better in my new place, like a different person, and I wrote a song called "Born Yesterday" to celebrate. Life was good.
This one time, I had eye surgery. I was on valium. The aforementioned Nicole was taking care of me. Yadda yadda yadda -- we fell in love and dated and got married.

Yeah. We're one of those couples.
Most songs I write lately are about her, or based on an assignment she gave me. I was worried maybe I'd lose my edge when I got married. How can I be melancholy when I'm so happy!? But she knows about art, and she loves it when people go there.
Anyway, we just celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary on March 11. And we're expecting our very first (and hopefully only) child in April.

It's strange to have a baby. Especially since Nic and I feel like we're still toddlers ourselves. The Babies are having babies! What will we do!? It's been a little stressful preparing for him. So many things to buy! Strollers, mattresses, bottles, nipples, bottle warmers, bottle sterilizers, swings, cribs, friends...
Fortunately, Nicole has been snatching up all the baby clothes in the known universe, so he will be well-outfitted into his twilight years.
My sweet parents are in town, helping us convert our garage into a studio. I've been kicked out of my office, which will become the baby room.
And Nic and I spent the entire day painting. I have red and brown and white all over my everything.
Other things about me: I'm lactose intolerant, but I take pills for it, I'm addicted to video games, but I have no time to play them, I love cats and dogs, but I'm allergic.
I produce other singer/songwriters, I license lots of music to TV shows (lately I've been on NBC's The Black Donnellys, Oxygen's The Bad Girls Club, and ABC's All My Children and One Ocean View), and I have three albums out. Other sites about me:
www.mikeschmid.com (my official website - whatever that means)
www.myspace.com/mikeschmid (hear more music, be my friend)
www.flickr.com/photos/mikeschmid (pictures - did you know I'm an amateur photographer?)
www.cdbaby.com/cd/schmid2 (where to buy my newest full-length album)
www.broadjam/mikeschmid (my download store - which includes non-album tracks)
Also, all my albums are available on iTunes.
Is that all? Sure. Have I left anything to blog about? I guess we'll see. But this time, I'm serious!
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